Not your typical hipster bartender cocktail book
The pandemic. You know, that time when everyone was stuck in the house. We all had that one thing that we missed. For me, it was a good ol’ cocktail. So I decided to learn how to make them. It took lots of googling. Lots of experimenting. Lots of bad drinks. But I did it. And the result? Two recipe books, which includes cocktails for the people I want to have over when the pandemic ends—whenever that is.
Black Book (Guest Version): This book only has the cocktails and the ingredients. I found out guests don’t like to read and rather get to the drinks quickly.
White Book (Makers Version): This book has chapters, cocktail recipes, and the stories to go with it.
A few pages from Makers Version
This includes a glimpse at the intro, chapter pages, cocktails, and the index. You’ll have to buy the book to see the rest, and it’s coming really, really soon.
Copywriter & Designer: Jon Ransom